Our Favorite All-Natural Spring Cleaning "Hacks"

It's been a long winter!
If you're anything like us, you're jumping with joy that spring is finally here. With it, comes the opportunity to blow away the winter cobwebs and refresh your home!
What Is Spring Cleaning?
Spring cleaning is the process of thoroughly cleaning, decluttering, and organizing the space you live or work in. It's traditionally done after the long winter months when houses have been closed up and dirt has accumulated. However, you can do a deep spring clean at any time of year!
At Woolzies, we love spring cleaning and we have 5 all-natural cleaning "hacks" to share with you.
Diffuse Essential Oils
What's better than a house that smells fresh and airy?
Instead of using synthetic air fresheners, open the windows and diffuse an energizing essential oil blend to freshen your home and encourage air exchange. Essential oils help to purify the air by banishing stale odors and airborne pathogens.
Try this springtime diffuser blend:
– 2 drops Grapefruit Essential Oil
– 2 drops Lemon Essential Oil
– 2 drops Bergamot Essential Oil
Add this citrusy blend to an ultrasonic oil diffuser along with 100 ml of water and let it permeate each room. It's a fabulous way to welcome in spring and usher out the winter blues!
Ditch Conventional Products in Favor of DIY All-Purpose Cleaners
Unfortunately, most conventional cleaning products are loaded with harsh chemicals that contribute to pollution and allergies. That's why we love all-purpose cleaners made with essential oils and other natural ingredients.
Combine the following in a spray bottle:
– 1 cup white vinegar
– 1 cup plain water
– 3 tablespoons of baking soda
– 25 drops of Woolzies Cleaning Blend
Shake well and spray onto surfaces, floors, windows, showers, and bathtubs. Let it sit for a few minutes and then wipe it off with a cloth rag. This amazing solution kills microbes, neutralizes odors, and dissolves grease, grime, and calcification.
Refresh Rugs and Carpets
After a damp winter, carpets, rugs, and throws start to smell musty. Fortunately, there’s no need to spend a fortune on dry cleaning!
Make a natural fabric and furniture cleaner that absorbs odors and kills off fleas and other microbes. Add 15 drops of Lavender Oil and 15 drops of Tea Tree Oil to a cup of baking soda, leaving it to absorb for a day. When the powder is ready, sprinkle it over the items that need freshening up and let it sit for half an hour. Vacuum the baking soda off et voilà! Your carpets and rugs are fresh and ready to go for spring and summer.
Use Essential Oils to Keep Pests Away
There's nothing worse than opening up a drawer to find moths or spiders making themselves at home! Here's a tip: you can keep bugs at bay with essential oils! In a spray bottle, mix 20 drops of Woolzies Bug Repellent Blend with 1 cup of water and 3 tablespoons of witch hazel. Remove everything from your cupboards and drawers and use a cloth rag to wipe them out with this natural insect repellent. Let the shelves air dry before replacing all the items in an organized fashion. This solution stops pests from coming back any time soon – plus, everything will be disinfected and tidy!
Use Woolzies Dryer Balls to Freshen Blankets and Linen
Washing and drying all the winter bedding and blankets is hugely time and energy-consuming. But it needs to be done before you pack your winter linen away! Woolzies dryer balls can speed up the process by reducing drying time, softening your linen, and minimizing your electricity bill at the same time. For a naturally fresh scent, add a few drops of Woolzies Pine Essential Oil to the dryer balls before throwing them in the dryer.
Bonus Tip: Spruce up Your Bathrooms with Natural Soap
Our bonus tip is to add all-natural soap to your newly cleaned bathrooms. It's a great detail to finish off the spring cleaning and organizing – and visitors will love the special touch! If you're looking for a fun activity, we offer essential oils for soap-making.
Now you're all set to renew your home and welcome in spring. Happy cleaning!
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