Woolzies for Mens Muscle Relief Blend is a convenient and soothing spray that can relieve sore muscles and joints. It has a fresh, warming, herbal aroma.
SOOTHE SORE MUSCLES & JOINTS! Woolzies Mens Muscle Relief spray is a premium natural pain relief oil to soothe your aches and pains! Spray to painful muscles and joints before and after exercise to be pain-free. It can also be sprayed onto wrists, hips, fingers, shoulders, and neck after working at the computer for a prolonged period. It is perfect after a long, grueling workout! Get a head start on post-workout your recovery! 💪🏻
GREAT FOR MUSCLE RECOVERY! Mens Muscle Relief Oil is a magical joint, muscles, swelling reliever and ideal for back, knee, elbow & arthritis pain. The fresh, warming, herbal aroma will help cool inflamed areas.
FAST-ACTING! Make your life better with Woolzies unique Mens Muscle Relief Spray that gives you a long-lasting, non-greasy and fast-absorbing essential oil pain reliever. It targets pain and penetrates the tissue right where you need it. We believe our body should heal naturally. Feel the difference immediately after application! No side-effects!
Ingredients: peppermint, wintergreen, clove, menthol, camphor, eucalyptus, marjoram, thyme, sesame, and olive. Muscle Relief Spray can be applied topically.
After 8 hours of moving my arms were sore but after using this product I felt renewed the next morning.
It's all natural which I love and the scent is not overpowering!
I have suffered from arthritis and stiff painful joints. I have tried Hemp (Marginal) and other topical PRODUCTS TO VERY MIXED RESULTS. i PICK-UP A 1 OZ BOTTLE AT A LOCAL STORE AND TRIED IT AND WAS SHOCKED HOW EFFECTIVE THE RESULTS WERE. My wife rubs on my back, hips and shoulders. It works great for me. I recommend you try this product. It is a great benefit to me!